Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Updated Timeline :D

National LGBTIQ Anti-Tobacco Summit 2007
Youth SubCommittee Action Timeline

NOTE: In this document, “Summit” refers to the LGBTIQ Anti-Tobacco Summit and “Conference” indicates the more general National Conference on Tobacco or Health.

When What Who

July 2007

• Finalize drag ball category list
• Finalize drag ball location
• Develop contact list of local folks who might be interested in participating in and/or helping set up the ball
• Finalize drag ball flier (include flipside with information about youth component of summit)

• Select youth workshop/s & presenters for Summit
• Receive update about LGBTQ youth related workshops for conference

• Register all youth subcommittee members for summit / conference
• Assess funding availability and needs for travel / accommodations / registration.
• Seek funds where needed.
R.E. & E




August 2007

• Promote drag ball & youth component of confernece
o LGBT national network members
o LGBT & tobacco prevention organization lists
 Advocates for Youth
 Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
o myspace
• Develop videos of sample performances?
• Confirm space rental
• Confirm equipment rental

• Develop workshop materials
• Develop action room materials
• Assess workshop & action room materials needs. Inform logistics committee of logistical needs (e.g. projector).

• Assess funding availability and needs for travel / accommodations / registration.
• Seek funds where needed.

Susan / Outreach Comm
E & R.E.

R.E. & Hope

September 2007
• Finalize workshop materials
• Finalize action room materials
• Seek donation sources for materials needs

Early October 2007

• Mail workshop &/or action room materials to MN

October 22-26

October 22

October 23

October 24

October 26
Summit & Conference

• Set up Action Room
• Prepare for workshops.

• Lead workshop/s
• Clean up action room
• Set up drag ball
• Host drag ball

• Add LGBTQ component to Conference youth room
• Lead workshop/s

• Clean up conference youth room

Minutes from July 25

LGBTI National Anti-Tobacco Summit
October 2007

YOUTH COMMITTEE meeting notes
5pm Wed July 25 5pm EST / 2pm PST / 11am Hawaii

Mission Statement: Using the National LGBTIQ Anti-Tobacco Summit as a vehicle, the Youth Committee is dedicated to promoting youth advocacy regarding tobacco prevention, cessation, and policy to liberate LGBTI communities from tobacco use.

Committee Members: (Goal = 15-20 members with more youth than adults)
R.E. Szego (Committee Co-Chair), Breathe Free: Oregon LGBTQ Coalition Against Tobacco
Sheryll Yotsuda (Committee Co-Chair), REAL / American Legacy YAC
Marta Perrupato, National LGBT Tobacco Control Network
Susan Hollinshead
Catherine J. Massey, PA SWAT
Knoll Larkin
Chico Brown
Kristen Degan
Lara Crutsinger-Perry, NYAC
Patrick Murtagh, Bard College, American Legacy
April Kusper, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
Gustavo Torrez
Nic Buron
E, SMYRC (Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center), Portland, OR
Dom Davis (SMYRC), Portland, OR
District 202
Antonio Cardona, Summit Co-Chair and Paid Coordinator in Minneapolis
Hope Wisneski (Colorado)

Ground Rules (to honor everyone’s contribution to this subcommittee):
 It is important that everyone contributes their voice.
 Please be aware of varying comfort levels (i.e. “being out) related to identifying as being LGBTQ.
 Respect all people at all times. This includes NO racism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism, and other forms of discrimination.
 It is okay to ask questions about an issue that may be bothering you. If you feel uncomfortable speaking about the issue in the group, please contact R.E. or Sheryll.
 Assume good intentions as we learn from each other. Provide & accept feedback.
 New rules can be added to this list as participants feel necessary.

I. Introductions: name, pronoun preference, brief check-in about process – How is this going for you? Any concerns?

Present: Gustavo, E, Kristen, R.E., Sheryll, Susan
Unable to be on call: Pat, Nic, Antonio

II. Blog update: Sheryll www.lgbttalks.blogspot.com
Blog contains: reminders about meetings, introductions, meeting notes…

III. MySpace update: E
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=184618449 Link on Summit website. http://www.lgbttobacco.org/summit.php

E put the pride flag image (“When did smoking become part of us?) as the background.
Needs more content, more images.
R.E. & E will meet to put photos on.
Include Facts, how to get involved.
Make links from other pages. Create a banner.
Music. SMYRC tobacco prevention videos. LGBTQ anti-tobacco videos… on Colorado website (susan will send this).

IV. Timeline: R.E. (see attached document)

Please sign up!!

Register for NCTOH & make travel plans. Please give updates if you need funding. All Legacy youth should check in with Legacy about whether they’re receiving funding to go.

The LGBTI Summit will be free for youth under age 24 and will cost $30 for adults.

V. Ball Planning:

a. Contacts in Minneapolis:
o Ryan – in contact with Antonio.
o Shiney Shapiro, Program Manager, District 202. www.dist202.org.

 Damien Hughes, House of Manolo Blahnik – Chico can contact. Will ask him to be on the next call.

 Other houses? – Chico will find out

 Minneapolis area drag troupes? - R.E. will ask about this. Scout just went to a performance in the LGBTQ Latino/a community in Minneapolis.

 Holly – heads the new youth tobacco free mvmt with blue cross blue shield. Will probably be heading all youth activities at the NCToH

b. Tobacco prevention / youth marketing related categories for performances –
category suggestions from blog:
* (tobacco-free) butchness
* smokin' hot (but not smoking)
* marlboro man realness
* kool: be true
* how to meet someone (without substances)... or best/worst pick ups
picking up without lighting up
* lipstick femme
* delicious smokefree kiss
* “no stank you” – best rejection
* “I wish I knew how to quit you” – “I wish I knew how to kiss you”??
* Equality for all / Marriage Rights / “I Do”
* “But I’m a Cheerleader”
* Other movie- or musical- related suggestions?

E & R.E. will finalize. E will put on myspace & flier.

c. Logistics
Is this confirmed?

• Hotel?
• Other?

District 202 has received an emergency grant & will be open until the end of the year. Antonio will meet with Dist 202 next week to see if we can have the event there.

Minimal rental for Salera is $6000, so it won’t be there.
Ballroom at another hotel might be available… Susan will ask about the Hilton & the Marriott if Dist 202 doesn’t work out. Maybe Dist202 will recommend a place.
Gustavo has been part of Legacy for a few years. Will put a buzz out about our need for space & maybe help. Maybe they can sponsor it. Susan: Legacy is already sponsoring us through time donation from Bill and money for the Summit and connections with other folks to donate. Gustavo will talk to Bill about strategies.

Does Nic have any ideas about Minneapolis?? Maybe Gary R. can get us a space at the University?

d. Budget update

e. Flier. E will draft – will include a message about how to help on the committee.

VI. During the LGBTI Anti-Tobacco Summit… What do we want to happen?

a. Action Room
1. workshops
2. zines -
3. buttons
4. fliers
5. blogging?
6. videos?
7. letter-writing?
8. badvertising

Youth-related workshops will also be held in this room during the 2 breakout session times.

Will this room be open the whole time? Between sessions? Yes.

Materials needed:
• Markers
• Posterboard
• arts & crafts stuff
• Big paper to cover parts of the walls.
• Canvas to draw & write on… to hang as a backdrop for the ball.

b. Workshops
 Content Committee report back – Susan: number of breakout rooms won’t impact the youth subcommittee. We will have one room.
 2 Workshops:
• How to approach friends who smoke. (Peer to Peer Prevention & Cessation) (Hope & Colorado Youth)
• Tobacco industry marketing to LGBTQ community. (R.E. and E)

R.E. & Hope should fill out the call for abstracts on the Summit website to schedule the workshops.

Update about LGBTQ youth related workshops at the NCTOH conference: There’s an hour and a half slot during the conference specifically to do a presentation or workshop on LGBTQ youth tobacco prevention. Talk to Hope if you’re interested in working on this. E: the folks should report this back for feedback to the youth subcommittee. Susan: 90 minutes is a LOT of time. Does anyone want to do a blurb about their program.

c. Youth Caucus? – separate time for youth only to meet.

TIMELINE REVIEW & Sign-Up (See attached)

VII. Next Meeting: Wed Aug 08, 5pm EST / 2pm PST / 11am Hawaii
Phone number: 1-877-791-3294
Passcode: 77350


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Next Meeting: Aug. 8, 2007

Wed August 8:

5pm EST / 2pm PST / 11am Hawaii

Phone number: 1-877-791-3294

Passcode: 77350

Monday, July 23, 2007

Timeline :D


National LGBTIQ Anti-Tobacco Summit 2007
Youth SubCommittee Action Timeline

NOTE: In this document, “Summit” refers to the LGBTIQ Anti-Tobacco Summit and “Conference” indicates the more general National Conference on Tobacco or Health.

When What Who
July 2007 · Finalize drag ball category list· Finalize drag ball location· Develop contact list of local folks who might be interested in participating in and/or helping set up the ball· Finalize drag ball flier (include flipside with information about youth component of summit)· Select youth workshop/s & presenters for Summit· Receive update about LGBTQ youth related workshops for conference· Register all youth subcommittee members for summit / conference· Assess funding availability and needs for travel / accommodations / registration.· Seek funds where needed.
August 2007 · Promote drag ball o LGBT national network memberso LGBT & partner organization listso myspace· Develop videos of sample performances?· Confirm space rental· Confirm equipment rental· Promote youth component of conferenceo LGBT youth & partner organization lists (e.g., NYAC, Advocates for Youth, etc.)o Myspaceo Personal / agency contacts· Develop workshop materials· Develop action room materials· Assess workshop & action room materials needs. Inform logistics committee of logistical needs (e.g. projector). · Assess funding availability and needs for travel / accommodations / registration.· Seek funds where needed.
September 2007 · Finalize workshop materials· Finalize action room materials· Seek donation sources for materials needs
Early October 2007 · Mail workshop &/or action room materials to MN
October 22-26 October 22October 23October 24October 26 Summit & Conference · Set up Action Room· Prepare for workshops.· Lead workshop/s· Clean up action room· Set up drag ball· Host drag ball· Add LGBTQ component to Conference youth room· Lead workshop/s· Clean up conference youth room

Minutes July 11, 2007

LGBTI National Anti-Tobacco Summit
October 2007

YOUTH COMMITTEE meeting notes
Wednesday, July 11 7pm EST / 4 pm PST / 1pm Hawaii

Mission Statement: Using the National LGBTIQ Anti-Tobacco Summit as a vehicle, the Youth Committee is dedicated to promoting youth advocacy regarding tobacco prevention, cessation, and policy to liberate LGBTI communities from tobacco use.

Committee Members: (Goal = 15-20 members with more youth than adults)
R.E. Szego (Committee Co-Chair), Breathe Free: Oregon LGBTQ Coalition Against Tobacco
Sheryll Yotsuda (Committee Co-Chair), REAL / American Legacy YAC
Marta Perrupato, National LGBT Tobacco Control Network
Susan Hollinshead
Catherine J. Massey, PA SWAT
Zan Gibbs, SMYRC, Portland
Knoll Larkin
Chico Brown
Lara Crutsinger-Perry, NYAC
Patrick Murtagh, Bard College, American Legacy
April Kusper, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
Andrea Vidler
Thania Balcorta
Gustavo Torrez
Nic Buron
E, SMYRC (Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center), Portland, OR
Eva Poole
District 202
Antonio Cardona, Summit Co-Chair and Paid Coordinator in Minneapolis
Hope Wisneski (Colorado)

Ground Rules (to honor everyone’s contribution to this subcommittee):
§ It is important that everyone contributes their voice.
§ Please be aware of varying comfort levels (i.e. “being out) related to identifying as being LGBTQ.
§ Respect all people at all times. This includes NO racism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism, and other forms of discrimination.
§ It is okay to ask questions about an issue that may be bothering you. If you feel uncomfortable speaking about the issue in the group, please contact R.E. or Sheryll.
§ Assume good intentions as we learn from each other. Provide & accept feedback.
§ New rules can be added to this list as participants feel necessary.

I. Introductions: name, pronoun preference, brief check-in about process – How is this going for you? Any concerns?
Susan (ze)
Hope Wisneski (Colorado) hope@glbtcolorado.org, director of youth services

Unable to attend: Marta

Do we need to strategize about participation in this subcommittee?
Good number of people on this call.

II. Blog update: Sheryll www.lgbttalks.blogspot.com
Blog contains: reminders about meetings, introductions, meeting notes…

People have been invited repeatedly to attend. Not too much participation so far.

III. MySpace update: E

Link on Summit website. http://www.lgbttobacco.org/summit.php
Please give E feedback.

(R.E.’s myspace is: www.myspace.com/breathefree if you want to friend.)

IV. Timeline Draft: R.E. (see attached document)
Any corrections, additions?
* Needs to be submitted on the 11th. *

How will we let youth know that we’re having youth sessions? Pat: word of mouth is really important. Tap into resources – people we know. Susan: business card sized promos? Or half-sized? Email blasts… NYAC, Advocates for Youth, & other listservs to get. Lara: half-page info sheet for conference bags.

V. Ball Planning:

a. Contacts in Minneapolis:
o Ryan – in contact with Antonio.
o Shiney Shapiro, Program Manager, District 202. www.dist202.org.

§ Damien Hughes, House of Manolo Blahnik – Chico can contact. Will ask him to be on the next call.

§ Other houses? – Chico will find out

§ Minneapolis area drag troupes? - R.E. will ask about this. Scout just went to a performance in the LGBTQ Latino/a community in Minneapolis.

§ Holly – heads the new youth tobacco free mvmt with blue cross blue shield. Will probably be heading all youth activities at the NCToH

Antonio: talked to a few people from Dist202. At a standstill – staff changes. Interim director determining whether Dist 202 will stay open. May shut down at end of this month. We can’t rely on them as having a space. They’re kind of in crisis mode, month to month funding.

R.E.: Where’s the summit networking event?

Susan: May be at the convention center, but not accessible to people not part of the conference. May close at a certain time. Marriot – youth hotel. Space there?

Antonio: Will have to think about space suggestions. Quarter sized ballroom. Latino drag show was at The Saloon – only accessible to 18+.

Hope: in Colorado not as many youth come to events at hotels. Better to rent out garage space.

Lara: Usually try to get a bar in town to use the space. If pick non weekend night often not a problem. Hotel space not accessible to youth & probably expensive.

Antonio: Don’t really see the saloon doing that. Have events every night of the week.

Susan: We could always talk to them.

Lara: would need whole venue.

Antonio: The Salera – 2 floors of event space upstairs. Will check on this. Not gay owned or operated.

Lara: Would it be friendly to people getting ready for the balls.

Antonio: not part of restaurant. It’s own space. Summit currently scheduled at Hilton hotel. Short one workshop space.

Sheryll: Could we use part of the main room space at the Hilton?

Antonio: Might be an option.

Susan: Youth event’s on Wednesday

b. Tobacco prevention / youth marketing related categories for performances –
category suggestions from blog:
* (tobacco-free) butchness
* smokin' hot (but not smoking)
* marlboro man realness
* kool: be true
* how to meet someone (without substances)... or best/worst pick ups
picking up without lighting up
* lipstick femme
* delicious smokefree kiss
* “no stank you” – best rejection
* “I wish I knew how to quit you” – “I wish I knew how to kiss you”??
* Equality for all / Marriage Rights / “I Do”
* “But I’m a Cheerleader”
* Other movie- or musical- related suggestions?

We need to run these by someone. Someone from local house? Lara will ask in D.C. R.E. will ask some folks in Portland. Antonio: only have 1 house w/ 4 people. Chico will also review.

c. Logistics
Is this confirmed?

· District 202 - Antonio’s working with Ryan from Dist202.
· Convention Center?

Networking meeting to flow into the ball, if possible. Is this confirmed?

d. Budget – estimate submitted.
Antonio: We’re hoping we can make the whole budget. Following a lead for a significant amount of money.

e. Flier update: E

f. Other activities at the ball?
Drag makeovers?

Lara: a few balls in town… it’s hard to do more than just a ball. Hard to get people into a health fair. Outreach & awareness could be done just by the event itself. Open mic agenda… less intimidating. Enough categories, almost anyone can participate.

Susan: In between categories... facts or badvetising

R.E. Make badvertising in youth action room & showcase it at ball.

g. What about other people coming into the ball who aren’t attending the conference? Will they be allowed in? How late can we go? Check with Danya.

VII. During the LGBTI Anti-Tobacco Summit… What do we want to happen?

a. Action Room
1. workshops
2. zines
3. buttons
4. fliers
5. Panel with project examples…
6. blogging?
7. videos?
8. letter-writing?
9. badvertising

Youth-related workshops will also be held in this room during the 2 breakout session times.

Will this room be open the whole time? Between sessions?

Materials needed: Markers, posterboard, arts & crafts stuff. Big paper to cover parts of the walls. Canvas to draw & write on… to hang as a backdrop for the ball.

b. Workshops
§ Content Committee report back – Susan
§ We need to choose from Possible Topics:
· How to approach friends who smoke. (Peer to Peer Prevention & Cessation)
· Tobacco industry marketing to LGBTQ community. (R.E. and E?)
· Counter-marketing. How to be a youth advocate… how to fight the industry. (Gustavo?)
· Ball planning

R.E. Youth friendly variant on a postering session for all of these with a discussion?

Lara agrees: we have limited time.

Susan: we have 2 breakouts – an hour & 15 minutes each. E and R.E.?

Hope: we have youth presenters. Could talk about street outreach.

Lara: 1st session on marketing and 2nd breakout groups, eg., peer education, advocating

Chico: Will this be youth friendly?

R.E.: Our workshop was created by youth for youth. Hope’s would be youth presenters. We could have youth facilitators for discussions…

Chico: Is it interactive?

R.E.: Ours are.

3 proposals:
· 2 separate workshops (one as marketing)
1. Lara – would lean toward peer to peer b/c it’s more micro while the marketing is macro.
2. Hope -> will work with the youth to organize this
· 1 poster session – 1 workshop
1. Lara: Instead have a call for proposals for posters.
2. Susan: Then we might be able to have them put in the youth room at the NCTOH.
· Marketing workshop – breakout sessions.

Marketing (E and R.E.)
Peer to Peer (Hope & Colorado youth)

c. Youth Caucus – separate time for youth only to meet.

VIII. Funding Update: See above.

Please put yourself in the timeline & return it to R.E.

VII. Next Meeting: 5pm Wed July 25 5pm EST / 2pm PST / 11am Hawaii
Phone number: 1-877-791-3294
Passcode: 77350

Thursday, July 19, 2007


The minutes and timeline will be posted after the July 22, 2007. I am currently unable to get into my yahoo mail (the download part) I am sorry for the inconvience! I hope to hear you guys on our next conference call!


Next Meeting

5pm Wed July 25 5pm EST / 2pm PST / 11am Hawaii
Phone number: 1-877-791-3294
Passcode: 77350

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Where are the minutes?

minutes from the call?


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


we're scheduled to meet:
WEDNESDAY, July 11 7pm EST / 4 pm PST / 1pm Hawaii
Phone number: 1-877-791-3294
Passcode: 77350

Monday, July 2, 2007


Hey Everyone!
Well this is a reminder that the next CONFERNCE CALL has been decided for
July 11, 2007
EST 7pm; PST 4pm; HST 1pm

Hope to hear from everyone!!!
